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Interface IConvertV1ProfResult

This is the structure of the result from ConvertV1Profiles.convert.


  • IConvertV1ProfResult




cfgFilePathNm: string

The following properties contain information about the success or failure of the conversion of V1 profiles. By displaying the values in the 'msgs' property, the caller need not use the following properties. However, our caller could decide to take special action or display custom messages, using the following properties.


credsWereMigrated: boolean

This property indicates whether secure credentials were migrated during conversion.

If the old V1 Secure Credential Store plugin was supplying the credential manager override and the CredentialManager was initialized before calling this function, profile conversion will not be able to migrate credentials from the old SCS plugin to the current embedded Secure Credential Store.


msgs: ConvertMsg[]

A report of actions and any error messages are contained in msgs. Each entry contains one line of text. No formatting or newlines are embedded. The caller is free to format the result as desired, using the msgType as a guide.


numProfilesFound: number


profilesConverted: {}

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string[]


profilesFailed: { error: Error; name?: string; type: string }[]


v1ScsPluginName: string | null

If the old V1 Secure Credential Store plugin is currently installed, its name is returned in this property. The old SCS plugin will not be used, but the customer should probably uninstall it. Our caller can automatically uninstall that SCS plugin, or if our caller is unable to do so, our caller could inform the user that the plugin should be uninstalled.

If the V1 SCS plugin is not installed, the property value will be null.

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